“The Curo Group posted £5.72 million in impairment charges compared with none in 2012, the largest increase of all housing associations, said the change was the result of the acquisition of a 48-acre Ministry of Defence site at Foxhill in Bath in March 2013.”

This is a critique of both the landowning aristocracy and the Land Registry. Cahill argues that our present system of landownership is of material detriment to the vast majority of home-owners in the UK, while many of the wealthiest landowners in the country pay no rates and actually receive money in the form of grants and subsidies.

Things have been moving fast on Biomass in the last month- there was a body painted invasion of port land, upwards of 50 angry locals have been out on the streets blocking traffic on a couple of occasions, and even the national press is beginning to sit up and take notice.