BBC humiliated in Bristol Palestine protest
BBC humiliated in Bristol Palestine protest
Author: Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign
A quick recap on last week
The pickets outside the BBC on Thursday drew about forty people and doubled to about eighty on Friday.
On Saturday well over a hundred people came to picket Sainsburys in Clifton (sign the petition at When the pavement could no longer hold the crowd and the manager was getting really angry the protesters moved off towards the BBC.
Early arrivers had already put up huge banners and stuck placards to the walls and windows! A huge Palestine banner was hung from two flag poles. Then a BBC/Israel-flag banner was fixed over their doorway (were the BBC wise to cut their security guards?) Some Bristol pics got 19,000 likes and over 1500 shares nationally!
From there the crowd marched down Park Street and staged a “die-in” blocking traffic in the Centre attracting a huge crowd of spectators. From there the protest marched through Broadmead, fending off some thuggish cops, and chanting outside Tesco, Sainsburys, M&S, and yet another Sainsburys (we’d like to think they’re getting the message by now).
Finally the route to Easton was met with cheers and chanting all the way along Stapleton Road. See pictures on
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