On Friday people from across Easton will meet for the first meeting of the Easton Community Union, part of ACORN Bristol.
The meeting (7pm, Friday 16th May, All Hallows Hall, All Hallows Road, Easton) will be the first chance for new members of the union to meet together and decided on our groups first campaigns.
It will also be the best chance for supportive or curious non-members to find out more and get involved.
Homes fit to live in, and good food and energy, at prices we can afford. Jobs that pay us a wage we can really live on, and that benefit our communities. Benefits and financial supports that actually help us, and don’t cripple us with debt. Clean streets and safe neighbourhoods, with good schools and healthcare for all. A real say on the things that affect us, and an exciting future for our kids.
Everyone deserves a decent life.
ACORN Bristol is a membership organisation that aims to further the interests of of low and middle income tenants, residents and workers. There is much inequality in the UK. The financial crisis is putting ever greater burdens on low and middle income families and their communities. With services being cut back and jobs scarce there is an ever greater need for low and middle income people to band together. Whether through providing each other with advice or campaigning for change we are stronger together.
ACORN aims not to campaign or advocate on behalf of its members, but rather to support and organise them into local groups to campaign and advocate for themselves. Together we want to build a powerful, democratic, member-run organisation that can allow us to assert our interests and give us a say in the running of our communities.
Directions here.
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