Anarchist Bookfair needs you!

picture of Anarchist Bookfair needs you, Workshops and stalls deadline approaching, other ways to help

Anarchist Bookfair needs you, Workshops and stalls deadline approaching, other ways to help

Author: Imcvol

How you can help

This is a call out to contribute to the bookfair in whatever way you desire; create what you would like to see:

  • If you want a stall at the bookfair fill in the Stall Booking Form 2014.
  • Got an idea for a workshop, song, film, talk, poem or other activity, please read theWorkshops Info sheet 2014 and fill in the Workshop Proposals 2014 or email us at:bristolanarchistbookfair (at)
  • Promote the bookfair: please share this page on social media, email lists, etc. Cut & Paste or click share on facebook on the righthand sidebar.
  • Pick up a poster from Kebele and display it, (A3 & A4) 2 designs available from Saturday 1st March. Email us to help put up posters around Bristol.
  • Email us to say you can help on the day.
  • Help with the after party, or do the door etc.
  • Help with deciding what will happen at the bookfair, we are a very small collective to be organising the main public anarchist event of the year in Bristol. Join in: at Kebele in Easton, WEDNESDAYs 7.30pm (fortnightly until April, then every week) dates are:

26th February
12th March
26th March
9th April
16th April
23rd April
BOOKFAIR Saturday 26th April

For queries about stalls please email: BristolBF-stalls (at) (we 
recommend that when you post us payment you notify us by

For non-stall related enquiries, requests for general info, offers of 
help and everything else please emailbristolanarchistbookfair (at)

With thanks, in solidarity, 
Bristol Anarchist Bookfair Collective

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